1. Copyright Law- Infringement of Copyright, its exceptions and remedies -->
  2. Copyright Law- Works in which Copyright subsists -->
  3. Patent Act- Compulsory Licensing of Patent -->
  4. Patents Act- Infringement of Patent and its Remedies -->
  5. Patent Act- Modes of Revocation of Patent -->
  6. Patent Act- Procedure to obtain Patent -->
  7. Patent Act- Rights, Obligations and Limitations of the Patentee -->
  8. Patent Act- What are Non-Patentable Inventions? -->
  9. Patent Act- What are Patentable Inventions? -->
  10. Trademark Law- Grounds for refusal of Trademark Registration -->
  11. Trademark Law- Procedure of Registration of Trademark -->
  12. Trademark Law- Types/Kinds of Trademark -->